Foto de Rebeca Roman Estados Unidos
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Rebeca Roman nacio en Santiago, Chile. Hace 25 años que vive en los Estados Unidos. Desde pequeña a Rebeca le gusto la pintura, aunque nunca tuvo la oportunidad de estudiar arte. Rebeca es autodidacta en pintura abstracta. Ahora sus obras estan por todo el paiz de los Estados Unidos incluyendo New York City excibiendo sus obras abstractas en una de las ciudades mas importante para el arte moderno y el ambiente artistico. Rebeca siempre agradece a Dios por esta oportunidad.

Exposiciones realizadas

  • 2013, New Century Artist Gallery New York City
  • 2013, New Century Artist Gallery New York City
  • 2012, Georgetown VA
  • 2012, Georgetown VA

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
30.00 x 40.00 in
3,302.01 x 2,485.98 in

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Foto de Rebeca Roman Estados Unidos

Rebeca Roman was born in Santiago, Chile. Rebeca came to United States in the late 1980s. She started painting by doing murals and other small works on paper. Her compositions at that time were firmly rooted in objective realism, including sunsets, flowers, and portraits. After moving to Virginia, she began experimenting in abstract art and never looked back! To further her understanding of abstract and non-objective art she took art classes with Virginia Cobb in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Rebeca also received guidance and inspiration from her daughter, who graduated with a degree in art from Bethel University.

Rebeca also is an abstract wildlife photographer. She developed a natural appreciation and respect for the outdoors and the living world. Although she will photograph just about anything when she has a camera in her hand. From her artistic side, she like to try new approaches to give a unique look to the images and draw the viewer into the moment, having them feel an emotional connection to the subject. She love abstract photography and she does that very well.

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